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Dr. Daniele Mantione
He moves as post-doct to the group of Prof. Hadziioannou in Bordeaux 
Captura de pantalla 2017-06-20 a las 17.
Dr. Amaury Bossion
He moved as post-doct to the group of Prof. Nicholas in Paris. 
Dr. Irma Flores
She is working as professor in the Instituto Tecnológico de Pachuca
Dr.  Jeremy Demarteau
He is working in the group of Helms in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Mr. Alex Yuen
He moved back to USA to work in the private sector. 
Captura de pantalla 2019-02-08 a las 9.3

Dr. Audrey Bonnefond

She moved to ORIBAY company for an industrial project working in automotive industry.

Dr. Nicolas Zivic
He is looking for new challenges.
Captura de pantalla 2017-06-21 a las 9.4
Dr. Noe Fanjul Mosterin
He is working in the group of Vicente del Amo in Oviedo
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